Step 1

Provide Basic Info

Enter your name and email to get started!

Step 2

Upload Documents

Submit the documentation for us to process your Visa.

Step 3

Complete Application

Pay $95 application fee and gain instant access.

Thank you!

If PELA needs any more information or documents from you, we will contact you soon.

One More Step to Finish Your Application...

Pay the $95 one-time application fee below and as a bonus, gain access to PELA Online to start practicing English in your home country right away! 

Start improving your English today with PELA's Online English Learning Program!

Gain access to all this while you are still in your home country!

What is included in PELA's Online English Learning Program?


Take an online English Test and see your current English level

Find out your English ability level right now! This online test, which you can take on your computer, phone, or tablet, will show you an estimate of your current English ability based on the CEFR proficiency guide.



Join PELA’s daily online Conversation Group

Chat with PELA teachers & staff online while still in your home country!

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, you can join PELA’s online Conversation Group via to chat with a PELA teacher or staff person and build your confidence in speaking English.



Build your English Vocabulary with online Quizzes & Games

PELA's Vocabulary Builder (administered by Quizlet) includes 47 Word Sets and 1900+ English Words. Each Word Set focuses on a specific topic as well as the most common 600 Academic English Words you should learn!

Topics include:

  • Tourism
  • Geology & Geography
  • Weather
  • Food
  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Communication & Media
  • Stress & Therapy

…and so much more!



Get assistance enrolling with PELA’s Partner Universities

PELA has partnered with over 90 colleges and universities in the US, UK, and Australia to help you find and enroll in an undergraduate or graduate program that fits your academic goals.

PELA will guide you through the university enrollment process, helping you collect documents and information the university needs and possibly even help you find a program with lower English Test score requirements than you would normally need!


Waive PELA's School Application Fee

If at any time in the future you start your enrollment to attend in-person classes at PELA, you do not need to pay our School Application Fee!

Start improving your English with PELA online today!

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